Batman arkham asylum goty
Batman arkham asylum goty

batman arkham asylum goty
batman arkham asylum goty

That said, this procedure works for Arkham Knight, dunno for this game. pavucontrol) to verify that the game's audio output isn't muted or directed to some other audio device?Ībout PhysX, see In a nutshell, The nvcuda.dll library in regular/experimental Proton needs to be replaced with a suitable version and likely the PhysX runtime needs to be updated for that game/prefix. Everything works fine for me, including sound.Ĭan you check your volume mixer (e.g. Just tried deleting my working prefix, letting steam create a fresh 4.11-1 prefix and running the same commands. Run protontricks 35140 mdx d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43 win10


Install the game, winetricks, and protontricks There is no audio output, audio worked in 4.2 but upon cleaning the pfx and setting the game up to use 4.11-1 there is no audio output Reproduction

  • that I have checked whether there are updates for my system available.
  • that I haven't found an existing compatibility report for this game.
  • Name of the game with compatibility issues:.
  • Issue transferred from posted on T18:39:44: Compatibility Report Uhm, what? This is weird, I've searched for issues before posting this, made sure it's not there. Install the game on Ubuntu 18.04 via Steam and try to launch commented on T10:00:59


  • Link to full system information report as Gist:.
  • GPU: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 970M/PCIe/SSE2.
  • Name of the game with compatibility issues: Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition.
  • Issue transferred from posted on T09:35:23: Compatibility Report This one isn't too bad but the level design will cause you to take some cheap hits.Compatibility Report: Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition (appID: 35140) the Double Titan battle before you face the Joker. Luckily you get a mid-battle checkpoint here but the second section is still very long and you will likely take too much damage This is tied with Bane for the hardest part in the game due to how small the arena is the Titan battle after you clean all three water tanks. I recommend saving your remaining three health upgrades for:


    If you get all the collectibles you can, you'll likely have maxed out abilities and at least one available health upgrade by the time you get to Bane, which is arguably the hardest part in the game and where you will likely need to use your first Health Upgrade/Instant Full HP. With your combat abilities upgraded to the max early on, it'll make Hard mode much easier as you'll be able to dispatch enemies quicker thanks to the Critical Strike ability and the Instant Takedown. What I highly recommend is when you start the game, go out of your way to get all the collectibles you can to get large amounts of experience, which you should in turn use to upgrade all your combat abilities and not health. Something I haven't seen any guides mention is that when you use the Health Upgrade it instantly refills your health to full, so you should NEVER upgrade health until you're in a boss battle when you really need it. Hard is called this because you have no indicator when enemies are about to hit you (on Normal and lower they'll get lines over their head before they're about to hit you) and their hits take more of your health, so as long as you have a decent grasp of the countering system and pay attention to enemies' body language this really isn't that hard. You have the play the entire game on Hard, you cannot start at a lower difficulty and change it to Hard at the very end. This is for beating the game on Hard Difficulty, which will also unlock the achievements for beating it on Easy and Normal.

    Batman arkham asylum goty